9 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Down

We all get in funks where we feel like we can’t get out of bed and take on the world. Whether you’re facing an overwhelming sadness or crippling anxiety, I think that these simple things can help you feel a bit better. I personally have been in one of these funks lately and while my thoughts are running a thousand miles per hour and I get to feeling hopeless, these things help me stay grounded and focused on the future rather than the way I’m feeling in this moment. Some are simple, mindless tasks, and some require a bit more soul-searching.

1. Watch your favorite TV show.

    • One Tree Hill is my personal favorite because it’s like comfort wrapped up in a TV show and a true escape from reality. Shows like Friends and How I Met Your Mother are good too because they are light hearted and funny. Whatever floats your boat. Just binge watch your favorite show with no distractions.
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2. Have a nice cup of coffee/tea.

A warm beverage is the ultimate dose of comfort that you need.Image result for coffee gif

3. Readdress your goals and aspirations. 

This always helps me because it forces me to think of the future and realize that the way I am feeling right now is temporary. I like to write my goals down, so I just revisit that and think about what I really want in this life and how I am going to achieve that.

4. Show your body some love.

If you’re like me and you absolutely hate everything about yourself (I sure hope not), then showing your body love can be of huge help. Whether this is getting a manicure or your hair done or eating a super healthy meal and working out, it’s important to take care of yourself. Self care all around.Art by Sad Teen Queer.

5. Remove toxicity from your life.

  • For me, this is for sure social media. Being such an insecure person who cannot seem to find confidence anywhere, it’s hard to see models and beautiful, confident people being shoved in my face all over social media. This could also be a fake friend or a job. It’s important to get rid of these things to find your happiness again.

6. Journal.

  • This is a HUGE one for me. I love just writing out my thoughts or doing some creative journaling. Morning pages is also really helpful. Basically any form of journaling; I truly believe it is the best form of therapy there is if you do it right.

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7. Go for a walk in nature.

  • Preferably with a dog (or at least pet a dog). Spending some time in nature is the best thing for you.

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8. Read a book.

  • A book is the perfect escape. I couldn’t even give you a recommendation because there are so many good ones.

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9. Hang out with people who bring joy to your life.

  • This is for sure my family for me. I don’t mean hang out with the friends who make you feel anything less than enough or that psycho family member; I mean the people who bring genuine joy to your life.



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